Converstation with a Stranger
Conversation with a Stranger invited members of the public to come to Winters Park Residential Home and spend 2 hours with one of the residents to share a conversation over tea and cake. During their time together, they were given the opportunity to hold hands to make a unique plaster cast of their embrace.
You never know were a conversation with a stranger will take you, it is a journey you take not knowing where it may lead, the effect it may have on you or those you are sharing the journey with. A conversation doesn’t have to be long, deep or emotional to be important and make a difference to someone’s day or even life. It is a journey that could just start with a smile and end up with a lifelong friendship.
The hand casts aim to present a physical reminder of the effects a conversation can have, the thoughts inspired remain solid and that even though the meeting has ended, the impression of the contact can still be felt.
Both the public and the residents who came found it a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Anyone who had a negative opinion of residential homes came away feeling much more positive about them.
The hand casts were exhibited in a group exhibition in Cumbria.
“I was involved in the workshop at our home and I really enjoyed it. When the day came for the workshop with the public I knew what was going to happen and looked forward to meeting someone new. I told my new friend all about my experiences during the war when I was evacuated. She was fascinated to hear all about it and told me a lot about herself too”
“I was concerned about what I could talk about with an elderly stranger. Straight away I found we had many things in common, a love of Allonby on the west coast, for instance, where we both have many happy memories of the old riding stables and the fantastic ice cream at Twentymans. Kat had supplied ideas for topics of conversation and we even found out that our favourite film star was Richard Burton! The conversation covered observations from someone able to reflect on past experience to views on current topical issues. I would encourage everyone to pop in to see someone they think might be lonely as I’m sure they will find it far more rewarding and enjoyable than expected”
“It was great listening to people swopping stories and experiences and finding out things about residents I had not previously known. The one thing the residents have at their disposal is time. Time to talk and tell and remember who they were! What could be more rewarding for them and all who were involved in the project. Kat gave the residents of Winters Park an opportunity to do this.”